Photo of Adriana Mufarrege Argentina

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Adriana Mufarrege, person, situations, moments Adriana Mufarrege mind and explores the dynamics of solitude asmisma is heard and the characters, usually female protagonists of a work, done in acrylic on canvas, in which color is important because it helps to set mood. His characters are symbolic, seeks to highlight travs the same moments that happen, so apparent in different ways in urban settings, scenes of lakes and...

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Photo of Adriana Mufarrege Argentina

Adriana Mufarrege, person, situations, moments Adriana Mufarrege mind and explores the dynamics of solitude asmisma is heard and the characters, usually female protagonists of a work, done in acrylic on canvas, in which color is important because it helps to set mood. His characters are symbolic, seeks to highlight travs the same moments that happen, so apparent in different ways in urban settings, scenes of lakes and fields, where the sun sends, in structures that are sensed geom Tricas, formal, structured around since compositions are defined by and for, to their ideal environments. Ah estn characters are posing for the creation of the painter, captndolos moments like photographed, slowed, contrastndolos with the background, at the right time, the concurrence of the evidence itself. Not seek loopholes, but compositional pretexts, which are those that are located in studied compositions, the important thing is not the environment but the character, but in reality, a deep visinms structure reveals a different intensity of their intentions. If the female is in the pool, in rural environments, forests with trees in the lake, there is a feeling of freshness, whereas if the female character in the city is located in the cluster of buildings, Determination shows a special, as if the protagonist was erected outside the environment. It is as stated in humanity, the city being the backdrop, estpor no chance, but no less complimentary in his case. Ms deep compenetracin women reveal their nature, apparently located in a natural environment, in harmony with the self. In his work the importance of mind is important, for the purposes of determining the extent of its alleged meditations, it is essential to choose the environment for problemtica define the figure is located. Apparently there is no conflict, but sfusin between a dynamic composition and humanity of women, one that seeks friendly, recognized, coming soon to us, very close to the transcendence in the sense that from everyday life, provides a comprehensive record of possibilities. The anecdote is important because it is such, but a clear reflection of a moment of existence. A life that is revealed Placido, quiet, accompanied by an attitude of deep calm. No substantial visinms consecucin own life, meaning that we choose to live the moment, because from it reached the interior transformation. If mind and body work differently, feelings nothing and can not advance. To be particularly successful ahque attitude of harmony with the environment that either urban or rural in all its extension, seen as ideal in which forest placed under a tree contrasted beauty. Realism, sun, shade, light, bright, shadow again, but colors together without fuss, within a reality with no haste, be lost in the moment, living the moment in line with the determination n natural. Joan Forestry Association Llus International art critic I am a painter born in the city of Cordoba (Argentina Republic) in 1962. Egresde In 1987 the School of Arts, National University of Córdoba, but in fact my teacher is unique cordobs painter Marcos Milewski. He worked as a teacher, I have serigrafay web design, but my true love is painting, especially the realism, that is, the less faithful representacinmso the visible world. The broad terms "realism" is often associated errneamente the adjectives "objective" and "photographic." There is no objectivity in art and painting and photography are two different languages. Realism is not it appears. My first individual exhibition was in 1999 in Cordoba and Buenos Aires. Borges is llamUna look at "because it is a series of portraits of Jorge Luis Borges on the centenary of his birth. The second, entitled" Tango "was in July 2005 at the National Academy of Tango, Buenos Aires. Today represent me in Buenos Aires the Argentine Art galleries Edea and Frida Frida (first gallery themed tango). In Cordoba, Artis Galera. EXHIBITIONS, PAINTING ROOMS. 1983 - Annual Salon Plastic Arts Rosa Galisteo de Rodriguez, Santa Fe 1994 - Annual Salon Pro Painting Art Foundation, Museum Caraffa, Cordoba. 1999 - Exhibition of paintings A look Borges's character roaming the cities of Carlos Paz (Rizzutto Cultural Center), Cordoba (Goldman Foundation) and Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires City Bank). Ms. Mara Kodama acquires works. 1999-2000 - Member of Jury at the Annual Salon of Arts Plastic city of Villa Carlos Paz. 2003-2 Annual Prize of Plastic Arts Salon City of Villa Carlos Paz. Since 2004 is represented by Edea Galera Arte Argentino, Buenos Aires. 2005 - Exhibition of paintings Tango in the World Museum of Tango (Buenos Aires). Since 2005 he has represented in addition by the first tango themed gallery Frida Frida, Embassy Center, Buenos Aires. 2005 - Salny Cordoba City Award. GRAPHIC DESIGN EXPERIENCE, WEB DESIGN, AND OTHER SCREEN 1985 - Secretary in Charge of Pro Arte Foundation of Cordoba. 1986-1987 - Works as an illustrator and graphic designer assistant in Dcim Editorial VENMAN Productions Cloud and Advertising (Cba.) Since 1989 she has worked independently in advertising and artistic screen printer, besides dictating silkscreen courses Cordoba and Villa Carlos Paz. Since 2001 diseay public web sites, specializing in art sites TEACHING 1988 - A senior lecturer in Drawing I, II and IV and Painting I and IV, National Institute of Arts Superior General Roca (Prov. of Ro Black). 1999 - Professor Educacin plastic substitute in the race of Education, Institute of Advanced Studies (IES), Villa Carlos Paz. 1999-2003 - Teacher of drawing and painting workshop artistic dependent on the Operating Unit of Culture and Sports of Villa Carlos Paz, Rizzuto Cultural Center. 2003 - Professor Educacin substitute plastic (3 year CBU) and artistic-cultural formation (4 year cycle Specializing) in the Institute of Secondary and Higher Villa Carlos Paz. 2004 - plastic Educacin Acting Teacher, School Juan Zorrilla de San Martin, Cordoba. 2005 - Professor Educacin substitute plastic, Escuela Tte. Gen. Pedro Eugenio Aramburu, Cba. RADIO 2002 - Micro weekly devoted to the visual arts, Radio FM 107 Carlos Paz. 2003 - weekly radio program heard the muses is dedicated to the world Art, National Radio Cordoba (co-led with Gustavo Ruiz). MUSIC has integrated rope altos Choir of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National Univ of Cordoba. (1984-85, led by Carlos Flores), Coro Municipal de Cba. (1986-87, led by Csar Ferreyra) Choral Club Pro Arte Foundation (1990-91, led by Csar Ferreyra) and Group Chamber Choir Ars Viva (1992-95, led by Juan Ruiz), among others.

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